Monday, November 7, 2011

Vaginal Infections - Tips On Pleasant Vagina Smell and Avoiding Infections

healthy vagina is home to a variety of microscopic organisms. Normally they live harmoniously in an acidic environment that prevents the overproduction of any kind and fight foreign invaders.

vaginal infection, however, can cause changes in smell and other unpleasant side effects.

Here we look at some common vaginal infection changes the smell of the vagina and give some common sense tips on keeping your vagina healthy.

Vagina and the smell of vaginal infections are affected by lifestyle, diet, weight, etc.

vaginal infections can be prevented and your vagina can have a healthy smell by following the tips below:

1 Diet

Eat a healthy diet cigarettes alcohol and drugs should be reduced, because the very spicy food, junk food and red meat.

Try and eat as naturally as possible and drink plenty of water.

2 Clean

smell of bacteria can grow on the vulva and must be cleaned off to prevent vaginal inflections.

For most women find that washing the genital area daily with a simple, an odorless soap keeps them clean and fresh.

of the vagina essentially self-cleaning, rinsing is not necessary. In fact, flushing upset the delicate balance between good and bad bacteria in the vaginal ecosystem.

Because infections such as yeast in the intestine, it is important after using the toilet to wipe front to back vaginal area first, right after that.

during sex is very important to avoid contamination of organisms from the vagina or rectum cancer.

3 Apparel

To prevent vaginal infections make sure your clothing "breathes," avoid tight garments and fabrics containing a high percentage of synthetic fibers.

Keep in mind that tampons and diaphragms left too long in the vagina can create a very strong odor.

4 Use condoms

Finally, if you do not know your partner well, Use condoms and spermicide to prevent infections.

Below we've outlined 3 common vaginal infections, their symptoms, causes and treatments:

1 Bacterial vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) accounts for about half of all vaginal
health checks.

About half of all women with BV vaginal infections have no obvious simptoma.Najčešći symptom is a thin, white to gray discharge with an offensive smell of fish.

because the smell is strongest when the discharge is exposed to alkaline substances, such as soap or semen, it will be at its strongest in the shower / bath, or after sex.

BV is usually treated with antibiotics prescribed by a doctor and a visit is essential if you feel you have it.

2 Yeast infection

Although yeast infections are probably the most common type of vaginal infection, many women never visit a doctor.

Some simply recover naturally,. Others are treated with anti-fungal vaginal creams available without a prescription

Classic symptoms of yeast infection are:

vulvar itching, irritation and redness in the area.

If the urinary opening becomes inflamed, urination will probably be more likely to be uncomfortable and May.

If the infection is severe, the vulva will swell and fine breaks, called fissures will be formed. Vaginal discharge will become thicker and whiter.

Yeast infections are a result of excessive growth of the family of fungi that normally live and vagina.

The most common of these infections is vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC), which is usually caused by a fungus called Candida albicans.

There are two types of VVC:

of uncomplicated, mild to moderate infection that responds well to treatment and repeats what is more difficult, and often occurs in women who have diabetes or are infected with less to treat forms of yeast such as Candida glabratia.

Recurrent VVC, normally occurs more than four times a year, and it takes longer initial treatment about two weeks and monitor therapies for 6 months or more.

Certain factors are causes, such as nylon and lycra clothing that traps heat and moisture.

Other common causes include: obesity, pregnancy, diabetes and suppression of the immune system during chronic illnesses, use of oral contraceptives, and eating large amounts of sugar, starch, and yeasts


If you have a vaginal yeast infection, your doctor will usually treat you with any prescription or nonprescription antifungal creams and suppositories referred to earlier.

3 Trichomoniasis

Trichomoniasis, or "Trichi" is a sexually transmitted vaginal infection suffered by millions of women.

While infection with Trichomoniasis can be intensely uncomfortable, it is not a serious health threat.

Symptoms are normally vulvar and vaginal burning and itching.
Worse may be most obvious after sexual intercourse.

In addition, there May be vulvar swelling and frequent and uncomfortable urination. There is a heavy vaginal discharge, usually yellow or green color, which May or May not have an offensive odor.

trichomonad is a minute parasite. It has three tails at its narrow end and swims with them and the white blood cells in the body to follow.

These blood cells literally surround the trichomonad and kill it to eat. Symptoms occur only when the body's natural defenses are overwhelmed by the sheer number of trichomonads play.

Trichomoniasis is usually easily diagnosed by a quick trip to your doctor and antibiotic treatment cures more than 90 percent of the time.


It is important if you have a vaginal infection can not be embarrassed to visit a health professional, who will give you the necessary treatment and cure the problem.


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